Lumbering Corpse (Forge)

Hit Points 40 +1d6
DV1 / DV2 4 / 4
Attack Value 4
# Attacks 2 or 1
Weapon Type Fist / Fist or Breath Weapon
Damage 1d8 / 1d8
Saving Throws 10+
Speed 4

A lumbering corpse exists as a horrid cross between the dead remains of a humanoid (e.g., sprites, dwarves, berserkers, and humans) and a sentient, carnivorous fungus. The creature’s desiccated skin is held together with brown, green, or yellow mold. Their skulls and bones are mainly concealed by mold, but pieces are left exposed. Although they appear similar to zombies and can be mistaken for them at a distance of 100 feet or more, a lumbering corpse is not undead. It relies on its senses to hunt. The monster uses its heightened olfactory sense to detect prey up to 300 feet. Their visual abilities are limited to only 30 feet.

In melee combat, a lumbering corpse attacks with its club-like hands. Each attack inflicts 1d8 damage per hit. The monster may attack multiple melee adversaries without penalties. Once per combat, a lumbering corpse can expel a burst of spores on a single melee combat opponent. The spores inflict 3d4 actual damage and force the victim to make a saving throw vs. disease. Failure results in dizziness, which reduces the victim’s attack value by 3 for 1d4 hours.

The moss that binds the monster together provides a natural armor rating, and any weapon (magical or otherwise) inflicts -3 damage per hit. Spells and fire inflict normal damage. If a melee weapon inflicts enough damage to wound the monster, the creature’s wound sprays acidic fluid that causes 1d4 actual damage to its melee attacker. The acid is corrosive enough to harm only flesh.

Although a lumbering corpse is not undead, it has many of the same immunities. Lumbering corpses are not affected by fear, poison, disease, or mind-affecting spells. They do not require sleep. They are fierce adversaries and seek to destroy all living things, consuming bone marrow, blood, and flesh to survive.

These horrific, evil-minded monsters are the creations of Galignen, the god of disease. They can be created through spores released by a lumbering corpse upon a corpse or by the magical spells of the god’s worshippers. They are most often encountered in swamplands and marshes, attacking and devouring any living thing they encounter.